Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Splunk> User Interface

Here I am at the login page of Splunk>. The username/password is admin/changeme by default. You will have to click at the "First time signing in?" link to get the clue ;)
I think that the UI is really welcoming and slick. The snapshot is as below.
Since I feel like first trying out the *NIX application, I'll have to enable the feature before launching it. Even the AJAX powered loading modal looks impressive. Don't believe me? Take a look at it yourself :)


  1. Hey Nicholas, glad to hear that your first impressions have been positive. We love hearing feedback about the product, whether in areas like the search assistant, report builder, or dashboard creator.

    -- Johnvey Hwang, UI Dev Manager

  2. It's been fun trying out Splunk, the Search Assistant especially. However, I have not tested the dashboard creator yet.

    Thank you for visiting my blog :)
