The code is as follow:
The result of this sort is in descending order, eg largest to smallest. However there is a simple trick to sort it in an ascending order. Simply use "return id1.compareTo(id2);" It works for me. I hope it works for you too. Otherwise, please feel free to leave a comment so that I can investigate my code :)
public static void anyMethod(){
try {
Collections.sort(yourVectorThatContainsObjects, ComparatorName);
} catch (Exception ex) {}
public static Comparator<Object> ComparatorName = new Comparator<Object>() {
public int compare(Object resultItem1, Object resultItem2) {
Integer id1 = ((Students)resultItem1).StudentID;
Integer id2 = ((Students)resultItem2).StudentID;
return id2.compareTo(id1);